Applied Ecosystem Services, LLC

The Environmental Issues Doctor

Documents are presented in categories and are available for you to download and read. Feel free to share them with others. Copies of older peer-reviewed research articles are not provided but can be obtained through inter-library loan using your local county or university library.

Academic Research Publications

  • Shepard, R.B. and G.W. Minshall. 1981. Nutritional values of lotic insect feces compared with allocthonous materials. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 90:467-488.

  • Shepard, R.B. 1982. Benthic insect colonization of introduced substrates in the Sangamon River, Illinois. Transactions, Illinois Academy of Science 75:15-27.

  • Shepard, R.B. 1982. Primary productivity and phytoplankton distribution in a small Illinois (U.S.A.) Lake. Internationale Revue der gesampten Hydrobiologie 67:555-565.

  • Shepard, R.B. and G.W. Minshall. 1984. Selection of fine-particulate foods by some stream insects under laboratory conditions, American Midland Naturalist 111:23-

cover of *Quantifying Environmental Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic*, by Dr. Richard B. Shepard

Quantifying Environmental Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic by Dr. Richard B. Shepard. Available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, and other booksellers.

  • Shepard, R.B. 1984. The logseries distribution and Mountford’s similarity index as a basis for study of stream benthic community structure. Freshwater Biology 14:53-71.

  • Shepard, R.B. and G.W. Minshall. 1984. Role of benthic insect feces in a Rocky Mountain stream: fecal production and support of consumer growth. Holarctic Ecology 7:119-127.

  • Reynolds, T.D., R.B. Shepard, J.W. Laundre, C.L. Winter. 1987. Calibration of resistance-type moisture units in a high clay-content soil. Soil Science 144:237-241.

  • Shepard, R.B. 2016. Mathematical vs. Statistical Models. Journal of Regulatory Science 04:10-17.

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